The Daily Stuff

The random stuff that happens... you know, #ranchlife.

November 2021

I'll never walk alone!

Fred. The Supermodel of our bucks.

October 2021


Spots and Dots (with Majestic watching over them)

Another little one

The Dude Returns

Also known as Spike :-)

September 2021

Mister Wyatt officially meeting Pretty Girl.

Hollywood was ready for her glamour shot this morning- after breakfast and a fresh can of Aquanet to keep her coiffed. But at the last minute, I gave her equal billing with the line of (very spoiled) deer.

The No Name Gang has been separated - the weaning has begun. Mistletoe is the biggest whiner of them all! If he could have reached a milk-dispenser through the fence, he would have.

I was rather relieved this morning to only see Hollywood aka Connie Stevens waiting near the corrals. I know how to bribe her to give me some space. Imagine my less-than-enthusiastic feeling when I saw Bossy and Mrs. Gump around the corner, blocking the gate. I presented a small bribe to clear a path - which attracted the fourth and final utterly swollen momma, Bling. Before it was all said and done, these pasture-loving, calf-free and carefree mommas all had a hearty breakfast… and totally forgot about their offspring. The deer got fed, too

Spike aka The Dude

One day they'll all grow big and strong like Spike, aka The Dude

Pretty Girl

Not spoiled at all!


Reluctantly on daycare duty!

May 2021

The girls were all about that side-eye this morning (Genie, Shooter, Dominga) as they were waiting on their breakfast but Darryl was very content to let me scratch her head, her ears and her neck while she buried her nose in the feed bucket, so the rest of the gang just needed to wait. The side-eye was worth it!

For the record, the cows aren’t the only ones that line up for goodies I’d like to say they’re spoiled (which they are), but the truth is that they have me trained quite well.

I thought it was a fluke with #MooniesGang, but this appears to be the new normal: Hobo has become a cow cat. Like a cow dog, but less helpful, more annoying, and scared of the mommas. Still, she makes the trek with me every morning and now has ventured into the corrals.

Everybody form a line on the right! Darryl, Genie, Puddin’, Dominga and Shooter all lovin’ dinnertime. Darryl and Genie let me love on them when I bring in the bucket... provided it doesn’t get too crowded!

Clearly Puddin’ Pop has not done any personal development on servant leadership. What you see here is him pushing Genie out of “his” bucket - and succeeding, too. She walked away to the more popular trough, seemingly unbothered, but likely to bring it up if a Skip Level meeting gets scheduled. She commiserated with Shooter and Dominga, furthering their bond. Darryl is eager to get to know the new management. She may be a bit of a kiss-up, greeting me as soon as I come to the gate and then following me around like The Office’s Dwight. Of course I don’t mind! Interesting to note that Dominga appears to be the lookout / tattletale, peeping through the blinds to see when management arrives, then hollering down the hallway for everyone to behave. But Puddin’ ignores her, waiting for a chance to complain to HR. Dude, I’m HR, too.

Mornings with the Moos

The first edition of #MorningsWithTheMoos with #PuddingPopsPosse falls on Mother's Day, and I was fully expecting a bevy of mommas waiting for me outside the corrals, singing their lamentations of overflowing udders.

But they weren't there.

Nope. Not a single momma was waiting, despite the desperate cries of the teenagers. With the recent rain-filled ponds, they were basking in fresh mud masks while soaking callouses from the their hooves. As the kiddos announced my presence (totally ignoring the fact that I had a bucket of sweet feed and cracked corn for them), a few mommas paused in their mimosa-morning to respond with sympathetic words, but no action. These kids are on their own.

True to yesterday's activities, Darryl came up first to the trough, no fear and no worries. A few moments of teenage heifer drama, but otherwise ready for breakfast. Maybe it was me pausing to take pictures without letting her put forth her best duck lips pose that brought on a bit of 'tude. It didn't last long. Shooter, the youngest of the bunch, snuck behind me to grab a bite, like the kid that ducks under and around to avoid a morning smooch. Puddin' Pop could have shot lasers from his eyes, and while I wondered why this over-grown teenager had the most drama, I soon realized - he's the only one of the five that has lost his voice. Yes, the sole bull calf of the bunch, the oldest of the corrals... is a momma's boy. And my interruption this morning caught him brushing aside the snot from his nose.

While Doming (the oldest heifer) tried to call Mom to tattle on her big brother, Genie decided breakfast was a better option than a temper tantrum and pulled up to the trough.

Never a dull moment. #PrincessInTheCountry #RanchLife

March 2021

The second calf of the year finally arrived! 2021 calves has the details on little Nacho.

Here's some bonus pictures of Shooter (a mere 4 months old?!?!) left to babysit her little sister. Also, PawPaw got six more chicks. Lucky us. LOL

February 2021

Pardon the "quiet" on the page this past month. When the page is quiet, it's usually because life is busy! January and February have been no exceptions.

The big news - #NewMooNews! Head on over to the new page 2021 calves to hear about our little Slushy.

I do want to take a moment to brag about my cowboy. He won't like this, but he'll get over it.

Since all of this hit on the 10th - yes, we're going on 10 days now since the first ice storm hit our area - Keith has been dedicated to #AllThingsRanch. There's the usual - putting out hay, wrapping pipes, getting the heat lamps ready, checking pumps - that he seems to do without so much as a second thought as soon as the forecast shows temps below freezing.

But this one was different, as the temps went way below our norm. Yes, we went to 0 for a while. And then they stayed there. And the wind kept coming, and more snow kept falling.

So when the power went out - because it did - the heat lamps went out. The water stopped flowing, and things froze up. Including both our ponds. We were fortunate that the house pipes did not freeze, and we had water for us in the house. But the animals desperately needed water.

Each day, for hours upon hours in freezing temperatures, Keith filled up 5 gallon buckets with water from the house and hauled them to the cattle, looking a bit like Robin Williams in The Survivors. (Check it out... he has some hilarious scenes!) He tried to get the pipes thawed so the troughs would fill on their own, yet he still kept hauling water to keep all the animals alive. Sometimes over 200 gallons a day. And when warmer temperatures started to arrive yesterday and we prayed we could celebrate flowing water in the troughs, instead we were met with shattered pipes coming from the tank.

He will continue to fill and carry water buckets until he can get the supplies to repair the pipes. It's what he does. While I stay in a warm house, venturing out only when the weather suits me, to take pictures of my four legged friends. We're all spoiled because of him.

January 2021

Ah, Sundays. Sunday mornings allow for a slightly later feeding time - closer to 8am - and give me more time to just be with all the creatures. Today, there was a nice little family of deer waiting for me at the gate. (The evening crowd, however, was considerably larger. Go figure - they're all about dinnertime!) #MooniesGang was more of the same - Peachy and Junebug eager for goodies, Moonshine blocking Barney from his own treat, and MaryKay remaining a wallflower in the back. Indy is... Indy. Each day she acts curious, but remains firmly rooted in her independence. She can get close when she wants to - if she wants to - or she can hang back and wait for the feed to be poured. No one tells her what to do. :-)

The bonuses came this evening. Before he knew what was happening, I got a good handful of Moonie's moptop and gave it a good scratch. Protest as he might, he let me do it a second time - so I must not be that bad! #DeerSelfies are a thing now with Pretty Girl, and I for one am not complaining. At the troughs, Mistletoe has decided he wants to hang with momma and his aunties, which gives me more time to take in his cuteness. I wish I had realized his two-tone legs when he was first born - Harley Quinn may have been a better name for him! (1/3/2021)

It's here! It's here! It's finally here!! 2021 has arrived, and it arrived in style! Sadly, I don't have any pictures of the animals to commemorate this day, but that doesn't mean they were silent like the snowfall that came last night. Oh, no. These little buggers were up and eager for a home cooked meal as soon as the sky opened up for the new day.

The cats on the front and back porches all tried to sneak into the house - and were quickly reminded of their own fancy living quarters custom-made just for their liking. The chickens balked and squawked when I walked into the hen house to turn off their heat lamp. MaryKay was waiting at the gate, big brown eyes batting for a warm blanket, while Junebug announced my presence louder than the crunching snow underfoot.

Although there were no mommas to be seen while I poured the deer snacks and fed #MooniesGang, by the time I made it back to the feed room, Opie, Bling and Maybelline had all emerged from the trees, shaking the snow off their backs and looking for goodies. I found a clear patch under an oak tree to serve them breakfast, and they proceeded to munch. As I walked towards the house to warm up my hands, Frosty and Horned Hollywood were running from the pasture, and Mrs. Howell was debating if there would be enough left to make it worth the hike. I'm guessing she decided it was, as I watched her from the kitchen window later in the morning, still milling around the trees. Spoiled gals! (1/1/2021)

December 2020

Another day, another chance to charm the deer. This week brought in a previously-unheard of close-up of Spike!

Spike 12-27-2020

Tonight was all about #dadeer as Keith and PawPaw did an early hay delivery for cows and calves. First up, I *finally* got a picture of Baby, Pretty Girl’s little guy born last year. Like a college grad that doesn’t seem motivated to venture out on his own, he’s always by his momma. And she shares the same expression when she looks at him... Girrlll, I feel ya. #MommasReadyForAnEmptyNest

The next two pics are Twisted Mister. His name is pretty self-explanatory. Last up - Majestic. The ruler of the Disney Corner. Why he came up to the feed room, we don’t know. He staked his claim, though, and enjoyed dinner. Even Fred acknowledged his awesomeness. (12/26/2020)

Christmas Eve morning

While we celebrated my Cowboy's well-earned and perfectly-timed retirement from Corporate America yesterday, I'm quite content to remain working for years to come. In fact, I enjoy being part of the skeleton crew during the quite winter holidays. They tend to be meeting-light and allow me to wrap up those projects that beg for uninterrupted time. And I'm also able to refocus or reset my goals for the coming year, planning out my own personal development.

It also means that I can enjoy a bit quieter pace at the ranch, feeding a little later in the morning or a little earlier in the evening, and spending time with all the creatures looking for an extra morsel as the ground remains barren. While the weather may be chilly (23 this morning!), the bright Texas sun greets us all and I have some very Snow-White-with-all-her-animals-of-the-forest moments as I walk between the rows of cats, chickens, deer and cows. The chances of me singing some version of "Good morning!" to them are high. Fortunately, they are so focused on food that they put up with my off-key greetings.

Today was one of those perfect mornings. While #MooniesGang is my priority, Clyde (the horse) knows my routine and waited by the corrals to sound the alarm of my presence. The deer were already there, but they know better than to announce me, as the Sister Wives and Clyde have no shame in eating their precious corn.

As Clyde neighed, the clod-clod, clod-clod of nursing mommas abandoning their young by the hay worked its way to the feed room. They have no shame. Only Muley brought her young calf, Shooter, with her to beg and nurse at the same time. I'd love to give her credit for being a multi-tasking momma, but the truth is that Shooter came without an invite. The little one was hungry, too!

Jane Moo and Horned Hollywood stood at a short - but safe - distance from the doorway, carefully watching as I measured out a heaping scoop of snacks for them to share. As I stepped into the sun, there was Muley, coming in for kisses and range cubes, with Maybelline looking over her shoulder and the absent-minded Bling waiting her turn.

Only after the mommas were occupied did the deer get their morning snack, white tails up in anticipation.

And then it was finally time for the main event. Peachy welcomes me first, eagerly waiting for a hand through the fence to get that first nibble, and Junebug quickly follows. Only he allows a light nose scratch; that's ok - I'll take it. Barney grabs a goodie with his over-extended lips, sure to drop it before it makes its way far enough past his teeth. MaryKay looks on, curious, but too shy to make a move. She's not rude and she's not arrogant; she's just shy. Indy is too excited to sit still - she bucks for the trough, and in her excitement has a little old lady moment and she slightly wets herself.

Only Moonshine turns in disgust at his siblings' display over the lowly human. Only Moonshine takes the long way around the oak tree to observe from a distance as the food is poured. After I have have retreated from the trough and returned to the gate, he pushes the smaller ones aside to find the larger bites, all while keeping his eyes on me to ensure that I leave his home.

He has absolutely no idea how much he makes me smile with his antics.

“Lady, I see you crouched in the dirt with a kangaroo pocket full of delicious snacks. But I am a big (chubby) and proud bull. I do not need you to provide my sustenance. I will stand here and resist all temptation while my siblings eat every last piece. My willpower is strong.” - Moonshine (12/19/2020)

Morning with the Moos

Week of 12/7/020

Morning with #MooniesGang. Moonshine is my fav little bull. Like a 35 year old man wrapped up in a teenager's body, complete with the smoking jacket, too-strong pipe, and a whiskey belly. In his case, it's hay all day.

And he doesn't like me. He keeps a solid more-than-social-distancing distance. He won’t turn his back to me to enjoy a meal. In fact, he stands there and watches until I close the gate, even while his buddy Junebug chows down. He’s an absolutely adorable little shit. And I’m not done trying to win him over.

This right here is the look of side-eye from one very sneaky momma. As I approached the feed room today, Hollywood was no where to be found. Only Maybelline by the water, and she is not my morning aggressor. However, she *was* duped into being the lookout, because as soon as I unlocked the feed room, she proceeded to turn to the pasture and bellow for the apocalypse! And that apocalypse, aptly named Hollywood, caused slight earthquake tremors as all 1500+ pounds came running up with a knowing smirk, right up to the door. Of course, I had to give Maybelline some goodies, although the poor girl was still clueless as to her part in all this. Oh Hollywood. You’re lucky you’re gorgeous. (12/8/2020)

November 2020

As I headed to the gym this morning, Chuck looked on from the safety of the North Pasture, surveyed his options beyond the security of Home Base, and stuck his tongue out at all the neighboring hunters. (11/28/2020)

I post about Pretty Girl and big boy Steve, yet Fred deserves some attention. He doesn’t quite have the same Charles Broslin brow of Steve; instead he’s flecked with a decent distribution of gray and white across his head. And his rack is *almost* as wide as Steve’s. He’s a little bit more shy than his bestie, too, staying a bit in the shadows. And still - he’s gorgeous and one that we can always spot waiting by the gate. Yes, Fred deserves a bit of IG and FB love tonight. (11/20/2020)

Pictures 1 and 2 below. Pretty Girl has her own bucket. She knows this. So she comes right into the feed room to self-serve while I dish up for everyone else. And I love it! 3. Indy looking very wind-blown and freshly bathed, reminding me of Doc in Back to the Future 4. L > R, Daryl, Dominga and Genie - the three little heifers - paused their play to pose. #Vogue 5. Moonshine All bull, no height God, I love him!!! 6. Puddin’ Pop thinking that the hay ring hides him from the camera He’s a cutie; no one said he got the . And... 7. Muley had her calf on Monday! She was an #EndOf2020 wild card, with an arrival in the midst of a heartbreaking week. We’re taking our time on a name and formal introductions. (11/20/2020)

September 2020

Remember when you started middle school / junior high, and on your first day of school you noticed that *one* kid - in your grade - with way too much facial hair for an 11/12 year old? Chest a bit broad, voice definitely deeper that the rest? Maybe you wondered if he’d been held back... a few times? I think Mike was the name of the guy at our school. I mean, he was even dating a high schooler while we were in middle school (He really was nice, and I have no idea if he was ever held back. #nooffense #nojudgement) In this pasture, that would be Moonshine. From his overly confident stance, to his you-know-what’s so-heavy-his-back-sways to his leader-of-the-toddlers attitude, only his birth date - recorded on my spreadsheet - betrays his true age of.... 5 months. (9/4/2020)

August 2020

I was wondering if Hollywood would venture out of the pasture this morning for her now-routine morning scones. She didn’t... but she came awfully close by greeting me at the far corner by the feed room. And she brought adorable reinforcements - Indy, Peach and Barney. I was prepared with a handful of goodies, yet she wanted a full meal served on a platter (aka her red bucket). Barney was thrilled to grab a mouthful. (8/16/2020)

I love it when the cows graze in the South Pasture! They’re right out my office window and I can walk over to them anytime. Plus, they’re happy! Except when we first let them out to graze last night. Fritz and his mini-me Moonshine found a weak spot in the fence as they were being Peepin’ Toms on the neighbor cattle. Keith whooped and hollered for them to back away while we (yes, WE!) repaired the fence. Hence the sulking look from both boys. I came across them later, eating in unison, having completely forgotten about that little heifer next door! (8/16/2020)

As I’m mixing up breakfast for the #fabulousfive, I hear the clop-trop of a slow moving momma. With a newly repaired water trough next to the feed room, I figure she’s coming in for a drink. But then the morning sun that comes in the door - the only light for a room also inhabited by scurrying critters - is suddenly blocked. I turn and see my “I’m still nervous about you, but you like to give me extra snacks, so maybe you’re ok” wanna-be friend Hollywood giving me puppy dog eyes. I paused, gave her a generous morning serving and ... we had a break through. She *finally* let me touch her nose. As I was leaving to return to the house, she even followed me for a bit. (8/6/2020)

July 2020

Just Bob here. Reminding me to stay focused, because the moment I lose my focus, she steps in to grab herself an early bite. Be like Bob. #missyoudad #fabulousfive (7/30/2020)

The #fabulousfive - especially Roxy - don’t care if breakfast is in the trough or the bucket. Before I could even finish closing the gate, she took it upon herself to do a little self serve. (7/14/2020)

May 2020

Apparently Roxy was in charge of babysitting Moonshine today and decided to drop Mr. Attitude off at the feed room so we could watch him. Attitude or not, he’s adorable and I’ll watch him anytime! Roxy’s just not the babysitter for him.

While I cleaned up the path.... (1) Eight (L) and Strayhorn (R), lounged. (2) A few bucks kept me company, waiting to nibble the fresh-cut cedar. (3) Roxy abandoned her daycare duty and tried to hide in the branches (gurlllll... you are too big to hide!) and (4) Hollywood posed ... and blocked my chances of pics of Peaches. #princessinthecountry #ranchlife #plusasunburn #butnosnakes!

December 2019

Last night’s feeding included putting out a few hay bales for the girls. I quickly closed the gate behind Keith and the tractor because, well, putting out hay AND keeping the gals away is #justimpossible. Astro, Autumn and Roxy managed to sneak in, then proceeded to complain that they weren’t near their mommas. #spoiled. And Popcorn was all about staring me down #justbecause. Full moon, Friday the 13th and cow drama.

October 2019

Most of the calves stay out in the pasture still, enjoying the last few weeks of fresh grass before we start putting hay out. But not Just Bob. Just Bob comes up with her momma, Horned Hollywood, to sneak a few treats by the feed troughs. She makes my heart smile every time. #princessinthecountry #ranchlife #LoveYouDad

April 2019

It’s been a busy few weeks at the ranch, and I need to spend time giving y’all updates. For tonight, I’ll give just a quick one. After all kinds of repairs here and there, we finally were ready to separate the next six calves. If I told you that they just followed me into the corrals, you wouldn’t believe me - yet that’s pretty much what happened. Keith can attest to that! Now I just have to tell them all apart, because this group... Oy! Typical Herefords, every one of ‘em! This first one is Dusty - the oldest and only one with 3 white boots. Photobomb by only bull calf Skeeter, quite content at the feed trough.) In the pic with 2, the darker one in the back is Biscuit. I know her and she knows me. But the front one is Brain, one-half of the Pinky and Brain dynamic duo. The one that likes to lick the Gator. She’s a special #moocow for sure. More to come on this batch this week. Still thinking about their own hashtag.

December 2018

If you’ve ever heard the phrase “slicker then cow ” and wondered if that really is accurate, especially in a cold, steady Texas rain.... it’s more like pouring a gallon of WD40, mixed with baby oil, on a slip-n-slide and trying to walk down that banana yellow path wearing scuba flippers.

Yeah. It’s rather slick.

September 2018

Today I headed out of town for a conference, but not before I spent time this morning with the #BeefyButts. Friday they go to market, so this was my goodbye. And it’s ok; it’s time. Maddie and Snow are both so playful (#cowthinksshesadog) that they will make great bulls on someone’s ranch. Each one in this group has a great personality or some physical feature that Keith keeps telling me about but I don’t remember. Whatever it is, it’s good. And I’ve really enjoyed getting to know them. #princessinthecountry #ranchlife #ThisPartStillSucks #moocows

August 2018

Tonight’s activities are planned... #BeefyButts have been playing Piss Off the Loco Skunk two mornings this week, which makes morning feedings extra smelly. So a-skunk-hunting we will go!

And... can cows really smell? I don’t think so. Maddie and Snow gave zero foxes about how horrible they smelled today. ZERO.

I can’t talk about Honey anymore. Or her forbidden love with Steve. She may be a Prom Queen but she’s got family ties to the (deer) mafia. This muscle showed up in her place yesterday, I’m guessing to make sure nothing gets in the way of the two Deer Dons merging their families by marriage. Message received loud and clear guys. Damn.

Good evening and welcome to The Barker's #NewMooNews! With a slow-lovin' bull like Fritz, calves keep a-comin'! If you recall, our last one was Surprise back in early May, so Dusty's arrival earlier this week was anticipated.

Here's what we know about Dusty so far: she's a spunky little one that likes to attach herself to Momma, kick up some dust by Gretzky, then give me a sassy-pants, over-the-shoulder glance, all with a hook in her tail. She's also not afraid to get a little dirty - her otherwise pink-and-white nose is spotted with mud. And she gives zero foxes about it! Bonus fact about Dusty: She's #HarveyTheMooCow's baby sister.

And because they seem to come in pairs, little bull calf Skeeter arrived Thursday night. Honestly, he looks just like Dusty... except for some anatomical differences! He didn't want me getting too close for a meet-and-greet, but as I watched him from a distance, he clearly has some... boldness. Just two days old and he charged the Sister Wives at the hay bale to show them who's boss. #MaddieMoo gave him a sideways glance and he turned to take a nap under the oak tree instead.

And now... let's talk about Forbidden Love. You've met Honey the Prom Queen deer and I mentioned that our bucks pine for her. Well, apparently, she has her eyes set on someone, too. Steve. And despite the crazy animal stories that go on in my head, Keith witnessed this tonight, so it's not just me! Let me set the stage...

We took the corner near the private dining area where we also feed Honey through the fence. She was waiting, but almost 20 feet before the feeding spot. I start chatting with her, and she's clearly looking through me to something farther away. (Rude) I look in the direction of her stare, and I realize there's some bucks there. Okay, I get it. They're hot (to her). So we continue to drive to deliver the corn. As I'm waiting for her to at least acknowledge the goodies, I start watching the bucks. Several come up to eat, and she isn't phased in the least. She's looking even past them! And then... he comes through the clearing. He walks towards the fence, never taking his eyes off her. And she stands over her corn, but never even looks down. Keith insisted we move on and give them privacy, but you can't deny the looks of love in tonight's pictures! And yet, there's a ten foot fence separating the love birds. Sigh.

Last couple of items to wrap up the night: Per the earlier post, we got one of the two skunks that has been venturing into our yard again. #GoKeith. Gretzky let me take her photo!!! And #BeefyButts - Tracie, Snow, and Tex - all lined up at the creep feeder. (I think the little booty on the far right is Tyra, but I couldn't see the face to be certain.

Tomorrow we separate the biggest 5 (Maddie, Gretzky, Minnie, Snow(ta), Cocoa). More #moocow pictures to come!

#PrincessInTheCountry #RanchLife #MooCows #AllGodsCreatures #DeerLove

April 2018

#BeefyBoys get separated

We’re on Day 3 of the weaning… let’s check in on everyone’s progress, shall we?

Day 0 – Monday – The Separation. Successful, yes, but oh the bellowing. Teenagers in the corrals, feeling isolated but yet slightly comforted by that huge round bale of hay for just the six of them. Momma’s outside the gates, udders used to an evening feeding. The evening was a mix of feelings for us all. Well, me.

Day 1 – Tuesday – A new routine. The morning feeding for the #BeefyBoys was okay, but I had to coax them to the trough. Several mommas were still outside the corrals, udders painfully full, and their bellowing only made the teenagers cry louder. Interesting to note that Fuzzy is one of the biggest whiners of the six, and Velvet has a very soothing, deep baritone. I don’t think they appreciated me hanging around to analyze their vocals. Lulu made it quite clear she’s still miffed at me for my role in all this.

Day 2 – Wednesday – I can hear the kids even while I’m still inside the house, but there’s a distinct chorus missing… the mommas. Sure enough, as I get to the corrals to get the feed, there is not a single momma in sight. You can almost hear six large (and already pregnant) heifers kicking up their heels in the woods. No nearly-full-grown attachments to their udders! No big babies punching them for a snack! As a mom, I can appreciate their excitement on this day. The teenagers are also a bit more accustomed to this. Yes, they are still whining (hence yesterday’s Volume Up! video), but they head right to the trough when I come through the gate, and Lulu is warming up to me. A little.

Day 3 – Thursday – today. Only as I get closer can I hear the munching of grass. No bellowing. No crying. No whining. In fact, when Fuzzy sees me and realizes he’s supposed to be upset, he lets out an almost-voiceless moo. Yes, the little bugger has lost his voice! Harvey tries to help him out with a loud protest, but it sounds more like “I WANt my mo…… FEED!!! YES!!! FEED ME!!!” And before I can make it through the gate, all six are running from the hay side to the trough side, with Lulu coming right up to see if she can be nice and get a nibble straight from the bucket. (Girl, you gave me side-eye for two days. You can wait.) And like that, all six beefy butts are lined up on one side of the trough…. From left to right, Lulu, Fuzzy, Spot, Mr. Velvet, Harvey and Tawny. Tawny gives me the okay to come scratch her ears, but a low hanging branch has other ideas, and my #PrincessInTheCountry crown (or in today’s case, a topbun) is knocked slightly off center with a new twig accessory. Tawny goes back to eating, most likely suppressing a giggle at my clumsiness.

#Ranchlife #LoveMyLife #HarveytheMooCoo #MrVelvet

March 2018

An afternoon with the cows, including the growing teenagers.

L to R: Gretzky, Maddie, Harvey, Mr. Velvet, Cocoa, and Lulu.

January 2018

Adventures of a Princess in the Country... with a visit from Mom Linda and Dad

Mom and Dad arrived safely today, and after some quality visiting time, they joined us for the nightly snack tour (aka Spoil the Deer). #SpoilerAlert: Dad and Keith fell off / were thrown out of the back of the Gator, but they are okay. I'm still not sure what happened as Mom and I were talking, but the Giving of Corn Tour continued with no further incidents. [Keith: "I've been thrown off a lot of things, but never a Gator."]

Right from the start, they got to meet #GoldieAndSteve and witness first hand just how perfect Goldie's eyebrows are. It makes you wonder where she gets them done. Are they threaded? Fine pencil? Natural? Maybe it's Maybelline... Steve showed off his full 8 points as some little 6 points wanted to grab a bite but Mr. Majestic (10 pt) didn't show, so Steve was Big-Man-At-The-Bucket.

The Momma-To-Be was at Spot #2, along with a bevy of young bucks. Dad took lots of photos here, so I expect they'll be posted on Mom's page soon.

The Dump-The-Guys-Outta-The-Gator Incident of 2018 happened at the southwest corner just as we turned to head north. No deer were involved, nor was any alcohol... but it did allow us a chance to inspect a hole under the fence, where Keith found some coyote hair. Looks like I'll be on the lookout for more than skunks on these moonlit nights.

As we cut through the trees and we started to relay to my parents about the ambush from the Disney gang (this was old news to Mom, but Dad doesn't read FB), there were suddenly 3 does and Buttons trotting behind us. Yes, we stopped and gave them corn. Yes, they are spoiled. And before we got on our way again, there were a good 9 or so deer eating in a non-designated meal location. If you recall, Chuck the Buck got a good talking to about the last ambush, and he was no where in sight for this one. But Buttons was. And he was there last time, too. Which makes me wonder if this little late bloomer is actually the ringleader for the Disney girls. ESPECIALLY because as we rounded the curve to their *normal* feeding spot, lo and behold Buttons and the girls come running after us. Hmph. I think I lectured the wrong one, and now I owe Chuck an apology. I'll talk to Buttons tomorrow.

So Buttons and the Disney Princesses ALL got two extra snacks tonight, which emptied the feed bucket. Fortunately we didn't see Miss Priss, because we were out of corn. We didn't see the bunnies either (Peter, Paul and Mary). I guess we were out too early tonight. Hmmmm...

Buuuutttt.... we did see the cows as we came full circle back to the drive, and we have another new calf!!! I SWEAR this one has markings like King Julien (aka Penguins of Madagascar). So coming soon: pictures of little Maddie!!! Squeeee! (Dad didn't feel like taking more pictures at this point, so we don't have birth day pictures.)

I think I'll do a Google Maps shot with a feeding legend... stay tuned. #PrincessInTheCountry #RanchLife