2021 calves

Slushy, b 02-2021


#2021calves, heifer

Since the moo cows go about their business each day no matter what the political atmosphere in the country, we can all agree that as far as the ranch has been concerned, 2021 started very, very quiet (or "vewy, vewy qwiet" if you're an Elmer Fudd fan.)

February quickly said "Hold my hay!" with our third, yes, third snowfall and first true hard freeze. If you don't know what happened here in Texas this last week - and is still happening for many of us - Google it. #TexasBroke But we're strong. We will return, better than ever. We'll learn from this. We'll help each other out. We'll do what we need to. Partly because that's who we are, but also because there are so many outside of Texas that depend on us. Sure, you've heard of water and electricity issues. But the reports on the impact to agriculture are still widely unknown. If you're outside of Texas, chances are that some of your goods come from Texas, so you'll be impacted soon, too. So we have to keep going.

And none took that to heart as much as Mrs. Gump.

When I prepared the #2021calves list for my cowboy, Mrs. Gump was listed at the bottom under "wildcard." Sure, she's given us such memorable joys as Mr. Run-Everywhere Forrest and Mrs. Kick-Up-Those-Hooves Roxy, but she remained quiet on the sidelines for all of 2020.It happens; no judgment!

So imagine Keith's shock to find her Thursday afternoon (according to him: 3pm, if we must give all the specifics!), cleaning up a fresh calf born among the snow piles. The temperature continued to remain below freezing and the sun only peaked through for a few minutes here and there, so each time he passed them, he made sure to see if this little one was okay. While Mrs. Gump may not have a calf every year, she's a very good momma, and he found her one time with her head buried in the little one's belly, breathing warm air to the little body. Seeing them together amongst the piles of soon-to-be-melting snow gave Keith the inspiration for a name, better than my own idea: Slushy. (I was thinkng 'Uri' after the winter storm, but that got a look that clearly said 'No.')

We shall call him (or her?) Slushy and he shall be ours and he shall be our Slushy.

So here we are on Sunday morning - temperatures climbing back to the 50s and 60s - while we continue to celebrate the fact that our damage and losses on the ranch were minimal, and there's still new life around us.

Nacho, b 03-2021


#2021calves, heifer

My 2021 Calf Prediction Chart is wrong, y’all. I had Mrs. Gump as a wildcard, so her little Slushy in February was ok. But then I had Opie down for March and Bling for April, but of course Bling is all about March calves (Clover, Moonshine), so I should have known. Not that I’ll ever complain about a new calf!

Yesterday evening we came upon Bling in the woods, with this little one barely dry. While her previous bull calf was born right on St. Patrick’s Day (Clover of the #HolidayDuo), this little nugget came on our weekly El Tapatio night. She’s little, she’s cute, she’s got a mask around one eye... she’s Nacho. We debated about Queso and Taco and settled on Nacho.

Bling is notorious for being an absentminded momma, yet I’m starting to wonder if it’s because she always has bull calves and she’s been wanting a heifer. She finally got her wish, and she’s staying pretty close to Nacho. Except at dinner time when she let Shooter (born in November) babysit. I didn’t say she had the best judgment....

Carmen Sandiego

Hollywood (our Connie Steven's-coiffed momma) was acting strange last week. She's not on my "Look for a calf!" list until May-June, but she has her habits that make us start searching among the pop-up ponds after a rain. First clue? She's not at the front of the line for dinner. In fact, she's not even in line. Sure, she'll sashay up at her own pace, after every hair has been hair sprayed in place and she's ready for public viewing, but she takes much longer than normal. The other clue? She's on the easement. Alone. Acting like it's no big deal. For a social gal like her, it's a big deal.

All that to say, we've been looking, but not finding anything. Did we miss the signs? Was she just avoiding Nacho, as the newest little one looks more like her last calf, Peachy, than Bling's boy Moonshine?

But the clues didn't lie. For the last few days, a brave and adventurous little one has explored the woods, traveled the pastures, and led us on a few hopeless missions. And today, Carmen Sandiego made her appearance. This little dark-eyed beauty sauntered up on her own, tired of hiding in the shadows.

Carmen Sandiego, b 4-2021

The Bookends

Nacho and Carmen Sandiego - the bookends. Always together, with their opposite-eye patches giving them the perfect bookend appearance.

Far left, calling for mom: Dominga. In front, left to right: Shooter, Darryl, Puddin' Pop and Genie.

Puddin' Pops Posse

It was a rough morning at the ranch, but we finished the day with a successful separation of #PuddinPopsPosse. Darryl proved just what a sweetheart she is by just strolling in. Shooter, Dominga and Genie - with a helpful defensive block from Sister Wife Hollywood (aka Connie Stevens) finally made their way into the corrals. The “leader” himself was an absolute a$$ and the last one in. #MorningsWithTheMoos has returned.

This batch is all heifers save for the lone bull calf and leader, Puddin' Pop.

Été, b 6-2021


La joie de l'été

The joy of summer.

Sure, it’s hot, dusty and ridiculously dry. But on Monday, the first day of summer, Pet left the herd for a solo stretch. As Momma Numero Uno on my June watch list, I got a little excited. We found her that evening in early labor, then true to her protective nature, she entered the witness protection program (aka the cedar and mesquite trees ). Today, she nonchalantly walked back to the feeding trough area with this dark brown nugget following her.

I’ve named him Été, although we’re Texans, so we’re pronouncing it Eddie. Like Carmen Sandiego and Nacho, he’s got one large circle over his eye. These are clearly Fritz’s offspring... thank goodness, right?!?! Because that could get awkward...


We have *5* Sister Wives on baby watch for July, and 2 came through this week. Mrs. Howell had a little bull calf on Tuesday. Keith did amazing getting the Birth Announcement photos, but we couldn’t figure out a name. Until tonight. This little guy is as dark as big sis Carmen Sandiego, spotted-eye included, but with a matching eyebrow more like big brother Mistetoe. Please welcome our own bovine version of Christmas in July - Hallmark!

Hallmark (with momma Mrs. Howell), b. 7-2021

Spanky (with momma Frosty and big sis Nacho), b. 7-2021


The main momma I’ve been watching is Frosty. The gal’s been waddlin’ like a penguin for weeks. When she didn’t show up to the troughs, we went looking - and came upon her with her brand new addition. While the little one got their first bath, Nacho, Pet and Maybelline all gathered around to count hooves and ears. Until I see some personality traits, we’re holding off on a name.

UPDATED for a name - SPANKY. Since we came across him when he was brand. spankin'. new.

Max Factor

Way back on July 28th, we came upon Maybelline with a very very fresh calf. She did an amazing job blocking for a good view, and what she didn’t block, her Sister Wives did! And then she entered the standard 7-day Calf Protection Program (#CPP). For me, work got busy and I didn’t get to snap any good pics for a while.

By the time I had a chance to check in again, Keith had already named the cute heifer Max Factor for her dolled-up eyes (and to go with her momma). She still prefers quiet time with Mom and gets overly excited when a brother or sister get too close - kicking up those white boots to find seclusion in a hurry!

Max Factor (with momma Maybelline), b. 7-2021

Été acting like a big boy standing next to his and Aunt Hollywood at the troughs.

Max Factor (Maxie) and her perfect eyes - long lashes included.

Été and Spanky. Always horsing around, rarely up to any good, but too young to be part of the big kids' gang. Like Pierce and McIntyre, but without the still.

No Name Gang

It’s weaning time!!! LR Carmen Sandiego, Mistletoe, Slushy and Nacho. We had initially only planned on weaning the bull calves (Mistletoe and Slushy), so I was all ready with my #ColdSnapCalves hashtag, but then realized the bookend heifers were ready, too. Now it’s back to brainstorming hashtags! And early morning feedings. I love this time!!

Update: Alas, this group never got a name. They were a hodgepodge bunch and while easy to wean, just kind of did their thing without making a name for themselves.

Skippy b. 9-2021


This last week, we’ve been keeping an eye on Muley as she had some full udders last week, then went into the Calf Protection Program #CPP. Even morning breakfast goodies didn’t call her out of hiding. But this weekend- after the designated number of days had passed - she showed off her little bull calf, bouncing and jumping around her in his excitement to meet his half-siblings. Welcome, Skippy!


The surprise while keeping an eye out for Muley's calf was Opie nonchalantly walking up with a little heifer clinging to her skirts, just like the cafeteria lunch lady with toddlers in tow, but showing up to work anyway, never pausing in her commitment to do her job. This one - nearly identical to Skippy - also leapt in excitement and… Joy. So please welcome Joi (intentional spelling; IYKYK) to the ranch. #WayMaker

Joi - coming in hot! b. 9-2021


Back on December 9, #Happy15YearsToUs, Keith gave me the post-Zumba class feeding update, which included Bossy going MIA. Well, she’s on my December schedule, so I was on the lookout for a new calf that Friday night. I got a late-evening, too-dark-to-photograph peek, then she entered the Calf Protection Program #CPP while we ramped up caretaker responsibilities. Fortunately Kody has been around to feed each evening, but no one confirmed bull calf of heifer - or got pics - so I could do a proper announcement.

Until tonight. We finally resumed our evening routine (if only for a day!) and there at the hay ring with the pre-teens was little Pearl. She’s not posing; she’s checking over her shoulder to make sure I keep my distance! She’ll probably be the last calf of 2021, unless Double H (Horned Hollywood) pulls off a miracle. Here’s to all the 2021 cuties!