Da Deer

Pretty Girl

If we're going to introduce the deer, the first doe on the list has to be Pretty Girl. We first came upon her near the pond before we even officially took over the feeding chores. She was scrawny, somewhat ostracized from the rest of the herd, and always seemed to have one problem or another with her ear and face. Her features made her stand out from the rest - scars of life - and yet she was as sweet as could be, waiting for the corn to be poured, then following us from one feeding spot to another.

We constantly reminded her that she was beautiful - scars and all - and would always be a pretty girl. The phrase became her name.

Slowly, she inched close and closer until October 2020, when we tried a little experiment. She was already eating right next to us even while we poured food for other deer, and she practically pulled on our shirttails if we moved too far. Would she eat out of the can while we held it? Yes. Would she eat out of our hand? Yes! Would she let us pet her? YES!

And with that, Pretty Girl became a pet, following us around, getting her own food at every turn.


Baby is Pretty Girl's little buck, born in the Fall of 2019. As 2020 continued, it became apparent that he has serious separation anxiety and Mom won't be an empty nester anytime soon. Gurrlll, I feel ya!

2021 update: Baby's antlers are coming in - two curved spikes, about 5 inches long. Not much to brag about, but enough to get an upgraded name. He is now officially Mr. Baby!


As the summer drought begins (continues?), Honey progresses from a cute Socialite to an eager diner, waiting for the corn truck to arrive. Of course, she still has her manners and *mostly* abides by the current social distancing rules. The fence between us is her saving grace; otherwise I’m fairly certain she’d jump on in to eat while we drive, if only to catch a breeze!


Steve was one of the first bucks to greet us as we transitioned to the ranch. He has learned the sound of our ranch vehicles as well as our footsteps, and while he keeps his distance, he is not too shy to follow us from feed room to pond to private dining. He has a soft soft for Honey #forbiddenlove, and remains best buds with equally-antlered Fred and Ralph.

Each year, his James Brolin eyebrow darkens, setting him apart from the rest. We're starting to think he should have been Stefan, not Steve, as we can hear his deep Italian accent growing stronger.


Next to Steve, Fred is the biggest man-on-campus... by the feed room. He seems slightly more shy, but when you've got your back turned, he's quick to sneak up on you in search of more corn.

He is not fond of the camera, so the photo shoots require extra discretion, and still he manages to move, resulting in useless blurs. He's like the Sasquatch of Corn, but sweeter. And there actually is evidence of his existence.

For whatever reason, Fred brings to mind Italians and toupees when his antlers drop. He tends to be the first to drop his, and his pride doesn't handle it too well!

January 2021

We’ve noticed a few smaller bucks missing an antler here and there. It’s that time of year. But Fred was the first of the Big Boy Bucks to drop both of his, and he’s suddenly shier than a proud male (probably Italian) whose lustrous wavy locks are in need of an easily overpriced toupee. Poor guy. I even had to pour his snacks off to the side; he didn’t want to hang with his former-admirers. Now if he’d only show us where he dropped that gorgeous set I told him he’s still handsome and the name-callers will all be bald soon, too. He looked hopeful!

January 2022

Fred refusing to look up as he is the first to drop both antlers and more embarrassed than an Italian whose toupee went MIA while water skiing to impress the ladies. You know EXACTLY the kind I’m talking about. Maybe not Italian. But it’s Fred, and he’s embarrassed.

Fred January 2021

Fred January 2022

A rare image of the Three Amigos - Steve, Fred and Ralph. This meeting of the minds was for the boys only, and the admission fee was 8 points or more. In these parts, the club is small. Had they wandered beyond the North Pasture to the Disney Corner, Chuck and Majestic would have easily joined them.

Spike November 2019


We thought we had some big-headed neighbors with Hans and Hubble, then in late 2019, Spike showed up. He prefers to come close only when the sun is right at the edge, good pictures of him are few. But even in the drifting sunlight, he's impressive as heck.

As his 2021 rack came in - even more impressive than previous years - he also earned the name The Dude. There's just no denying his awesomeness!

Spike December 2020


Hans, along with Honey, were the first neighbors we met, and that welcomed the regular treats via the Corn Truck. His rack may not be as branched out as some of his herd family's, but it's a tall sturdy structure that makes one pause for a moment to admire him.



Buddy is our resident PITA Buddy. He’s cute and comes right up to you - but he runs every one off, especially Pretty Girl. Daily lectures don’t seem to phase him either. Other than "Mr. Baby" (his 2021 moniker, now that his antlers are coming in), Buddy is the only buck that comes in to eat out of a human-held bucket, your hand, your pocket... it doesn't matter, he wants the corn. And yes, he'll even allow a few gentle pets - provided the corn keeps flowing!


In 2020, Slolam made an impression with perfectly straight antlers in line with his nose. Shockingly, they’re growing in the same in 2021. I thought Slalom would be a one-season nickname, but it’s now his official moniker. Plus, he’s in the Big Boy gang with Fred and Steve this year.

Pictures don’t do Slalom justice. From the side, his antlers extend his profile at a strikingly unique angle. But from the front, he’s like a perfectly balanced Menorah. It’s also very rare that he allows pictures, so I’ll take what I can get.


In what turned out to be an unusual twist for us, we simply could not agree on a name for the neighbor, The Dude’s little sidekick. Tonight, we came to terms with Clifford. We’ll see if it sticks. The name, that is. This buck is like a dog that doesn’t leave home.