Princess In The Country

Musings of a city girl adjusting to country life.


I wasn't raised in the country. I don't use the right lingo. And I definitely don't meet the definition of a rancher.

I'm a purple-haired, tech-loving, Zumba-dancing city girl who fell in love with a cowboy. While he steps outside to enjoy the quiet whispers in the wind and the cedar creaking like empty swing sets in the park, I hear the stories that need a voice.

Every animal has a story to tell and a personality to match. Come learn about our little herd of Fritz the German bull and his group of Sister Wives. New baby moos (#NewMooNews) are the highlight of my day, especially when I get to be their surrogate momma during weaning periods. There's a crazy horse, a few barn cats and spoiled puppies. The herds of wild (?) deer can't be ignored either, especially when they pull on your shirt tails begging for treats!

There may be some special features of animals that aren't even ours, too. If they pause long enough to let me snap a picture, then they deserve the spotlight.