2019 calves

Valentina b 02-2019 with momma Bossy


Heifer, daughter of Bossy

Born on Valentine's Day, this little one quickly went from "Valentine" (gender neutral!) to "Valentino" (thought we had a bull calf) to "Valentina" (nope, definitely a heifer!). With a quite start to 2019 and only one brother to keep her company for the first few months, she was quite the prim-and-proper little lady. With a mom like Bossy, that was a shock to us all!

Clover b 03-2019, with momma Bling


Bull calf, son of Bling

Clove made an appearance on St. Patrick's day, following the example of his slightly-older sister. Momma Bling and baby enjoy the shade of the old Oaks.


Valentina and Clover spend quality time with me in the corrals as we wrapped up 2019. Having just two calves to wean was nice after the trauma of the earlier months (personal life, not so much ranch life). The contrast between their personalities - one a proper lady and one all rambunctious boy - provided moments of lightness as the days got shorter.

Of course, separating them from the herd wasn't the easiest. Instead of the usual "Follow the hay!" or "Find the lady with the bucket!" they decided they rather enjoyed their time in the pasture. I got to round 'em up modern-day style: whoopin' and hollerin' from the Gator. Clearly, I don't care what my neighbors think of my antics. I had a job to do!

Maybel b 05-2019


Heifer, daughter of Hollywood

We know it's time for new calves when Mommas don't come up to greet us each night. The question is always, "Who's missing?" and "Where is she?" They're excellent at hide-and-seek, that's for sure.

But ‪Thursday night‬, Keith spotted a new little heifer next to her daddy and snapped some pics for me to share. He has named her Maybel, as she was born at the end of May (probably ‪Tuesday night‬/ ‪Wednesday morning‬). Keith is getting to be a pro at this Name the Newborn game!

However, he couldn't figure out the momma since she is clearly a daddy's girl.

Well, #PrincessInTheCountry is all about spreadsheets, so I cross-referenced all the current calves, both with the herd and in the weaning pen, plus those that haven't had enough time yet to have another calf, and I narrowed down the momma-options to 5. First up is Stray Horn - Fritz's bestie - and the one who has gone the longest without a calf. This is an easy 'no' as they seem to have mastered the platonic relationship. Eight, Finally and Maybelline are also possibilities, but they've been coming up to say Hi and let's just say their udders aren't overflowing.

Which means the proud momma is my girl Hollywood, aka Lumpy. She's a good momma, known to find a sleeping-under-the-trees Clover when his absent-minded momma walks away without him.

As the weaned calves left for market on Friday (that's another story), having a new little one to watch makes the transition a little easier. Hopefully I'll get some pictures of Hollywood and Maybel together this weekend!

Normandy, aka Norman, b 06-2019


Bull calf, son of Opie

Today's New Moo News is brought to you by an unexpected delivery. While the momma's clearly on the roster, there's at least three other sister wives that are overdue for their turn at production...

After Keith and I finished the feeding and checking the property, we noticed one lone momma hanging out by the feed troughs - Keith's cafeteria-lady cutie, Opie. We chatted, she taught me a few new curse words with her dour mug, and then we headed to turn off the windmill. On our way back, she was still there, still cussing, but now looking behind her rather than towards all her sister wives. And that's when we saw him --- oh, we saw him --- a little red-brown bundle in the tall grass. We took turns checking on him since he didn't get up when she called, but he was just sleeping off a fresh serving of milk. Since he was likely born yesterday (June 6), he's been named Normandy - Norman for short.

Knowing that we were there to keep a close eye on him, Opie trotted off for some of her 'me' time. And to find a babysitter for the night so she can put fresh curlers in her hair. To know her is to love her.

MaryAnne b 06-2019


Heifer, daughter of Mrs. Howell

MaryAnne was born as summer started heating up, bringing her momma Mrs. Howell to the shaded oaks near the pond. These two remained near the water for a few days, earning Gilligan's Island themed names.

Had she been a bull calf, she would have been Skipper. MaryAnne fitter her much better.

Grace b 06-2019, with momma Pet

Gracie and Norm


Heifer, daughter of Pet

Pet - momma to Mr. Velvet of #BeefyBoys fame and Z of the #SolidaritySisters - finally had her calf on Monday. Given her amount of waddling each evening for an ear scratch and snack, it was definitely time. As always, Keith stepped in as Historian in my absence, documenting a sweet moment between momma and baby moo.

She is beautiful, perfect, frolicking in two left-feet-only white boots.

Welcome to the ranch, little Grace.

Gracie in a playful mood waiting for fresh hay

How do you tell three of the girls apart? I’m not gonna lie, this bunch makes it a little difficult. And the one that drives me bonkers is Gracie. Not because she looks so much like the others, but because she is Pet’s calf. Pet will come up to you for scratches and eat out of your hand, yet her little girl is super shy and runs to the other side of the corrals when she sees me coming.

But when you look at her, she has the white markings that match her momma’s on the inside of her back left leg. And her little hairdo! That 80s pompadour from all the love and attention (and baths) from her momma

Popcorn b 07-2019


Heifer, daughter of Finally

Finally, momma of long, lanky and uniquely marked Wendy, finally had another calf (Momma received her name for a very good reason!). Keith and I came upon them just hours after birth, and sat to watch them interact like two eager movie goers in the front row.

We are thrilled to introduce everyone to Popcorn. This little one has markings reminiscent of my beloved Rosie (#GreenAcresGang) that first welcomed me to this country life. I can’t wait to see what lessons I will learn from little Popcorn.

Popcorn paused to pose properly. How can I *not* give her center stage?

Peanut b 08-2019


Bull calf, son of Maybelline

And then there were eight.

I chart them, I follow them, I look to see who’s behind on the schedule. This month, it’s Eight and Maybelline - both are well overdue to have another calf this year. (So is Strayhorn, but she’s the exception. #FritzsBestGirl)

Yesterday we noticed Maybelline was out behind the pond, grazing alone. I told Keith she was ready. And today, she led us right to Peanut. As dark as Koda and with markings close to Norm’s; wobbly kneed and ready to meet up with momma when called. This one is a perfect partner in crime for Finally’s Popcorn.

Chatterbox b 08-2019 with momma Checkers


Chatterbox b 08-2019

Heifer, daughter of Checkers

Life at the ranch has been ... overwhelming this past week. Correction: the homestead has been overwhelming. Ranch life continues every day, rain or shine (mostly shine), lumbering along. And I am so very thankful for that, because it’s a daily reminder of life’s gifts.

Yesterday, we were greeted right through the gate by a white-faced, slippers-in-front, boots-in-back little noisy heifer. Oh, Momma was right there, but this little girl wanted ATTENTION. Several Sister Wives gently mooed to hush her, but at just a few hours old, she clearly knew more than they did. Speak loudly and make sure you are at the center of the universe. Of course, as the youngest, she’s the center of my world! So even though she quietly slept today, her antics yesterday will forever be her trademark. She is Chatterbox.

Chatterbox remained a curious little heifer


Today (February 22, 2020) was the first official Separating of 2020. I think I’m going to dub this group #DifficultDerrieres. I was quite proud of myself to separate two of them on my own while Keith was busy doing other chores. However, what started as a potentially easy task quickly became a little more difficult as when all was said and done, we counted eight calves in the pen. We only needed to separate six. So then we had to figure out who the stowaways were and try to re-separate them from their brothers and sisters. Needless to say, my 5+ miles this morning at the gym was probably not a good idea given all the calf-chasing we did. I can’t imagine being more than a mom-and-pop operation. But the job is done, the hay is out, and the twice-daily visits for the next six weeks begins early tomorrow. Oh, and the stowaways? Astro and Autumn. #PrincessInTheCountry #RanchLife #MooCows #DifficultDerrieres includes: Norm, MaryAnne, Gracie, Chatterbox, Popcorn and Peanut. Norm and Peanut are the bull calves.

I was looking forward to Day 1 with the #difficultderrieres - high hopes of enticing them to welcome me with a food bucket. Consider my hopes shattered. Norm bucked, Popcorn went straight into the fence, and MaryAnne full-fledged freaked. So much so that her momma Mrs. Howell proceeded to block my exit at one gate, then follow me around — grunting! — to make sure I left. This was a first and frankly, made me reconsider feeding in my pjs and ill-fitting rain boots. I wanted to remind her and all the other bellowing mommas that they’re just a few months away from another bundle of joy; this is their baby moon! Go - sun your udders by the pond! Frolic with Fritz for the afternoon! But, um, I instead retreated and decided on a no-talkie-to-pissed-horned-mommas morning. Maybe tomorrow?

Over the next few weeks, Gracie remained unsure of this whole process, although she did eat out of my hands eventually. MaryAnne became very food motivated. Norm was the General-in-Charge. Peanut and Popcorn were there for entertainment purposes.

While Norm commands his siblings into order at the trough, perfectly adorable and wind blown Popcorn breaks ranks for a cautious (and still not quite close enough to touch) meet-and-greet. She is as adorable as can be!

Just Bob b 10-2019

Just Bob

Heifer, daughter of Horned Hollywood

Horned Hollywood’s little heifer, born 10/3/19. Just Bob(bie). She’s a little sassy, a little cautious, and a whole lot perfect. Born at a time when new life was so needed and welcomed, and named after the one and only Bob. #LoveYouDad

Autumn b 10-2019


Heifer, daughter of Jane Moo

Saturday nights on the ranch mean we get to linger a little longer with the animals. Sometimes, it's a meet-and-greet with Honey's family across the forbidden border, other times it's tempting the calves with an extra treat to keep them comfortable around us.

Last night, it was confirming a new little heifer with one of the horned mommas (one of only two we haven't named because we can barely tell them apart!). This little gem is all white-faced with two button brown eyes and matching ears that twitch with the wind. She's already comfortable wandering off a bit from the herd then partly-running, partly-bucking her way back to safety! Welcome to the ranch, Autumn.

Continued below.... it was a Two-fer day!

Astro b 10-2019, with momma Frosty


Bull calf, son of Frosty

Continued from Autumn above.

As we hollered at the rest of the cattle to have them come in for a bit, Frosty lingered in a clump of oak trees. Sure enough, she had just had a calf, probably only a few hours old based on the curly wool-like tufts of hair over his little body. Admittedly, I was expecting one with unique markings. After all, Frosty will forever be known to me as "Maddie's Mom," my special little guy from last year with the curly top waves of brown-red-and-white. Alas, this one has standard markings, very similar to Autumn. Being a bull calf will help us tell the difference! It's too soon to see his personality coming through, but that's ok. His name was easy - meet Astro. #GoAstros (I debated about Altuve, but we named him before the 9th inning homer.)

Astro getting a very embarrassing bath from momma Frosty.

Roxy b 11-2019


Roxy b 11-2019

Heifer, daughter of Mrs. Gump

New month, new moos! Keith told me the other day that Mrs. Gump had her calf this week - probably Tuesday morning - but we hadn’t had a chance to see the little one to learn much until tonight.

Well, I’m happy to report she’s a spunky little heifer, ready to kick and run with the rest of the daycare gang.

She spent the evening preparing for her future as a Rockette - say hello to Roxy!

Roxy during a brief meet-and-greet with resident bossy pants Charlie. Charlie-girl was only mildly intrigued; Roxy was disappointed that Charlie was not a teeny tiny calf ready to play.